Ear Care
Ear Health Check-up
Are your ears often itchy or you can’t seem to hear well nowadays? Don't dig your ears using your fingernails, it might cause a bacterial infection that leads to otitis!
Let us help you check your ear health for free, simply lie down comfortably and we will use advanced equipment to let you observe the inside of your ear canal personally.
Endoscopic Ear Cleaning
RM 79
If you’ve got ear wax stuck in your ear canal, don’t worry, let the professionals handle it. We have an easy, safe, and thorough way to help you remove all the unwanted buildup and improve your hearing by up to 70%!
Endoscopes provide a wide view of the ear canal while the ear wax is removed using an ear hook or a medical suction pump. Endoscopic ear cleaning typically takes between 10 to 25 minutes to perform, depending on the amount and depth of ear wax.
iEar Signature Cleaning
RM 78
Many people have dirty ears with lots of ear wax, but not many know that there are specialised spa treatments for ears too, which provide more than just ear cleaning, but also promotes relaxation and rejuvenation with ear massages!
This traditional 13-step ear cleaning technique that originated from China uses 13 types of tools and instruments to clean and stimulate acupuncture points in the ear in the gentlest way. Benefits of this drug-free treatment include relieving brain fatigue and physical stress, as well as improving insomnia and anxiety problems.
Ear Bath
RM 58
Let your ears have a bath! Aside from giving you a refreshed feeling, this antiseptic and anti-inflammatory treatment can help with various otitis problems.
An ear bath works by putting an appropriate amount of ear drops into the external auditory canal, let it sit for about 10 minutes to soak the mucous membrane of the ear, and then draw the liquid out to thoroughly clean the deep parts of the ear.
Hardened Ear Wax Treatment
RM 149
per side
Excessive secretion of ear wax will form a dry and hard lump in the ear canal over time, which will block the ear canal and affect hearing, resulting in ear ache or tinnitus symptoms.
If you find hardened ear wax, don't pick your ears yourself! Let us use our professional skills and ear picking tools to safely remove these hard lumps and unclog your ear canal.
1. 儿童可以体验采耳吗?除非是特殊情况(例如:耳结石),我们不建议 10 岁以下的儿童体验中国古法采耳13式。
2. 老年人可以体验采耳吗?耳膜会随着年龄增长而退化,老年人的耳膜损伤机会较大,因此我们不建议 70 岁以上的老年人体验采耳。
3. 孕妇可以体验采耳吗?体验采耳疗程的人需长时间躺在床上,因此我们不建议孕妇体验采耳。
4. 采耳的价格是多少?我们具体的收费因个人耳朵状况为准而有所差异,不过目前我们提供的特价采耳配套中有免费可视耳道健康检查、可视采耳及古法采耳,二合一只需 RM78!
5. 采耳疗程需花多长时间?我们的各个疗程大约需花 30 至 45分钟。
6. 采耳对耳鸣有帮助吗?采耳能减缓耳鸣问题,但不能治根。
7. 采耳对睡眠有帮助吗?我们的古法采耳可帮助放轻松脑部,缓解身体压力,从而改善失眠。
8. 怎么知道哪个项目适合我呢?我们的采耳师会先帮您做个免费检查,再介绍适合您的项目或配套。
9. 可视采耳与古法采耳相比,有什么分别?可视采耳是将内窥镜用作迷你相机,放入耳朵内以在清除耳垢的同时提供耳道的广角视像。古法采耳则是采用 13 式手法帮助脑部放轻松并刺激听力的无药疗程。
10. 若有耳结石,可以采耳吗?若发现有耳结石,就得先体验耳结石清理疗程以把耳结石掏出来,疏通耳道后才可好好地体验采耳。
11. 需提前多少天预约?您可以在 1 个星期前预约。周日的一个小时内我们可服务 4 位顾客,周末的一个小时内我们可服务 4 位顾客。
12. 带家人朋友来会有优惠吗?若您是 iEar Cleaning 的会员,家人朋友和您一起到任何分店都可同时享有高达 10% 至 30% 的折扣。
13. 如何加入 iEar Cleaning 的会员?点击此处了解更多
1. 儿童可以体验采耳吗?除非是特殊情况(例如:耳结石),我们不建议 10 岁以下的儿童体验中国古法采耳13式。
2. 老年人可以体验采耳吗?耳膜会随着年龄增长而退化,老年人的耳膜损伤机会较大,因此我们不建议 70 岁以上的老年人体验采耳。
3. 孕妇可以体验采耳吗?体验采耳疗程的人需长时间躺在床上,因此我们不建议孕妇体验采耳。
4. 采耳的价格是多少?我们具体的收费因个人耳朵状况为准而有所差异,不过目前我们提供的特价采耳配套中有免费可视耳道健康检查、可视采耳及古法采耳,二合一只需 RM78!
5. 采耳疗程需花多长时间?我们的各个疗程大约需花 30 至 45分钟。
6. 采耳对耳鸣有帮助吗?采耳能减缓耳鸣问题,但不能治根。
7. 采耳对睡眠有帮助吗?我们的古法采耳可帮助放轻松脑部,缓解身体压力,从而改善失眠。
8. 怎么知道哪个项目适合我呢?我们的采耳师会先帮您做个免费检查,再介绍适合您的项目或配套。
9. 可视采耳与古法采耳相比,有什么分别?可视采耳是将内窥镜用作迷你相机,放入耳朵内以在清除耳垢的同时提供耳道的广角视像。古法采耳则是采用 13 式手法帮助脑部放轻松并刺激听力的无药疗程。
10. 若有耳结石,可以采耳吗?若发现有耳结石,就得先体验耳结石清理疗程以把耳结石掏出来,疏通耳道后才可好好地体验采耳。
11. 需提前多少天预约?您可以在 1 个星期前预约。周日的一个小时内我们可服务 4 位顾客,周末的一个小时内我们可服务 4 位顾客。
12. 带家人朋友来会有优惠吗?若您是 iEar Cleaning 的会员,家人朋友和您一起到任何分店都可同时享有高达 10% 至 30% 的折扣。
13. 如何加入 iEar Cleaning 的会员?点击此处了解更多